Sunday, January 12, 2014

My hair regimen

First wash day of the year!!!! ( i know i'm late). My hair is a hot mess, i let it happened just to really understand the difference between healthy hair and weak hair. For that i'll be looking at the texture, the ends, the maneuvrability and how it looks. But for now there is my hair regimen for the next 3 months at least ( for the challenge ).

The pre poo
For me, this doesn't only mean  hot oil treatment or deep conditioning before shampoing the hair. I'll remove most of the shed hair and proceed with some finger detangling which make the rest of the process easy breezy. Then i'll section my hair before washing.

The shampoo
I wash my hair with a shampoo every week, because i sweat a lot and i work out and play tennis several times per week. But more than anything else i focus on the scalp. When necessary i clarify my scalp either with a shampoo with sles/sls or with some ACV mix.
Obviously, i always follow with the conditioner to nurish and moisturize the hair and scalp.

The Deep Condition
This has to be the most important part of my regimen. Every wash will be followed by a deep conditioning depending on my hair need ( protein or moisture ). Most of the time, the deep conditioning will be a moisturizing one because my hair really tends to dry really fast. Because i have normal to low porosity hair, i use heat while deep conditioning to make the process more efficient, for at least 20 minutes. Then i'll rinse everything with cool water.

No direct heat on my head right now. I let my hair air dry in chunky twists after having squeezed out the excess of water, then when they're 70%  dry, i lock in the moisture with my shea butter mix, medium twists and i'm ready for the week.

During the week
Generally i don't do anything to my hair during the week (laziness and carelessness ) but for now on i'll be checking my ends and my hair and if it's dry i'll be using a  diy moisturizing spray
In one of the next post, i'll be talking about the products that i use.

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